Well, the mayhem was spectacular along with the revelations and the cliffhangers (and a pregnant pause!) in this week’s episode! Bactine anyone? We are talking of course about the ultimate episode of the season (and or series?), aka Season 11 Episode 10 “My Struggle IV”. It was written and directed by series creator Chris Carter, and it originally aired on March 21, 2018. We struggled because we had so much to say (and so did you guys!) that we had to split our normal one episode into two! This one is contains our news and analysis. WSB 28 will be filled with feedback!

We have two news items submitted for your approval this week, beginning with a terrific interview in The Hollywood Reporter with Chris Carter on the finale and the show’s future, followed by Vulture’s list of every episode of the revival, ranked. Then it’s time for Darrell and Chip to race to save William (does he really need the help?) or at least make it to the dock in time to see Mulder and Scully one last time! Then we get into the Spooky Drawer and look upon the Salvator Mundi holding his orb while he admires himself in Da Vinci’s really expensive portrait! Thank goodness IMDB brings us down to earth with fun facts about this episode! Normally this would be followed by feedback, but you sent so much you will have to tune in for WSB 28!

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