Stuff I Learned Yesterday

Stuff I Learned Yesterday
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About Stuff I Learned Yesterday

Stuff I Learned Yesterday is a podcast that aims to encourage, inspire, challenge, motivate, and improve the lives of those who listen to it. Stuff I Learned Yesterday is released each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Each episode ranges from 5-15 minutes long and contain short stories based on real events and lessons learned by the hosts. Friday episodes are called the Friday Forum and are filled with inspirational and motivational thoughts submitted by Stuff I Learned Yesterday listeners. Submit your story for a Friday Forum episode by calling 304-837-2278, visiting our feedback page, or click on the Send a Voice Message button on the left hand side of this page.

628- Stop Chasing Cheese

628- Stop Chasing Cheese

Rat Race. No, I’m not referring to the 2001 film starring Rowan Atkinson, John Cleese, and Cuba Gooding Jr. I’m referring to that trap many of us fall into. Wikipedia says a rat race is an endless, self-defeating, or pointless pursuit. The phrase equates humans to rats attempting to earn a reward such as cheese, in vain. Don’t get me wrong, this is not entirely bad. After all, our career is how we earn our income and our income is how we provide for our family. Providing for our family is honorable, right? Yes, of course it is. I think we all have a desire to create a better life for those we love that is better than the one we ourselves have experienced. 

627- Daily Bread for Daily Needs

627- Daily Bread for Daily Needs

The Bible is alive, it does speak to me. As I read it and go through my day, it shapes my thoughts and actions. It challenges me to grow in every part of my life, teaches me how to be a better husband, father, and worker. It teaches me about the character of God, morality, history, how to manage money, and so much more. It reveals my shortcomings and transforms my mind. 

625- Committing to Growth

625- Committing to Growth

During the second quarter of a football game last season as the crowd was raucously cheering on the home team, my friend leaned over to me and said, “Can I ask you a question?” “Sure,” I said. “What’s the secret to raising girls?” Of all the questions he could have asked me in that moment, I never would have guessed that would be it.

624- The Obsolete Man

624- The Obsolete Man

The fact is, AI and robotics are coming. If they haven’t already started to change or disrupt some part of your life, it’s only a matter of time before they do. For me, I’ve discovered ways to use AI to better my skills and provide improved services to my clients. But I’ve barely scratched the surface of how AI can be used in my industry. It’s challenging because AI is changing quickly and what AI once did in a way that was sloppy is quickly becoming quality.

623- Remembering Happy Accidents

623- Remembering Happy Accidents

As a parent, I have tried very hard to keep this principle in mind. I haven’t always been good at keeping my emotions in check so that I can assess the situation objectively, but when I have been able to check myself, my kids and myself have been better for it. We are all going to mess up and cause accidents, especially the youngest among us.

622- Navigating the Nativity

622- Navigating the Nativity

Many depictions of the Christmas story include the wise men at the manger most likely for the sake of simplicity. That doesn’t mean the Bible is incorrect, but that depictions of the story are incorrect. What some skeptics do consider to be a contradiction is the differences in where the family lived and traveled after Jesus was born. Are these indeed contradictions that disprove the Biblical story of Jesus’ birth?

621- Finding Freedom Through Forgetting

621- Finding Freedom Through Forgetting

Elephants do indeed have excellent memories. If you’re like me, you think of this fact as a good thing. That is, if someone says you have a memory like an elephant, you’d take it as a compliment. Today I’m going to flip that on its head, show how it can be a negative, and hopefully help you examine your own life to see if you have a memory like an elephant.

620- Avoiding the Rocky Path

620- Avoiding the Rocky Path

John looked at my problem and offered up his idea of the best solution. Like C-3PO I looked at that path as too rocky. Not only was it more than I had the budget for, I knew that building the app was just the beginning. I’d have to keep a developer on retainer for bug fixes, updates, and security management. I didn’t want to be in the software development business. So I looked for a smoother path.

619- Dust Covered Trophies

619- Dust Covered Trophies

Growing up I always enjoyed adventure and platforming games best while my brother enjoyed sports games best. In fact, whether it was in physical sports we played in the yard or virtual sports we played via video games, I never once beat my brother. That is, until one day while spending the weekend with our grandparents we rented Joe Montana Football. That fateful day I discovered he was unable to defend the bootleg pass and I beat him something like 100-7.  It was a glorious day and one that I have never let him live down. It was my one bright shining moment in a lifetime of athletic failure.