In episode 243 of The Revolution Podcast we share the awesome feedback about the Revolution series finale that we received from our listening audience. Most of the listeners agreed that “Declaration of Independence” would have made a fantastic season finale, but leaves us wanting a whole lot more and a bit dissatisfied because it turned out to be the series finale.

We hear some thoughts on why the show was not renewed, and what could have been done differently, but most feedbackers share their thoughts on the characters and stories of this season. We hear thoughts about the community of Revolution fans that have contributed to The Revolution Podcast, differing opinions on what Connor would have done next, and what Monroe’s position might have been in the Texas government.

We also hear opinions on what the nano would have done next and how the band of heroes might have successfully defeated them. Most listeners express relief that the story with the Patriots was resolved at the end of the episode so they got some closure there. We also share what listeners said they will miss most about Revolution in our Twitter segment.

Make sure you follow us on Twitter at GSMPodcasts and We’ll be announcing new shows soon. Check out all of our other podcasts over at our Podcasts page.
