In this weeks episode of The Rewatch Podcast, Cory, Nathan and Tom ain’t no yellow-bellies when it comes to discussing “Back to the Future Part III”.


Our Favourite Trivia:

The origins of the western theme for Back to the Future Part III lie in the production of the original film. During filming for the original, director Zemeckis asked Michael J. Fox what time period he would like to see. Fox replied that he wanted to visit the Old West and meet cowboys. Zemeckis and writer/producer Bob Gale were intrigued by the idea, but held it off until Part III. Rather than use existing sets, the filmmakers built the 1885 Hill Valley from scratch.

For approximately three weeks, Robert Zemeckis would fly to Los Angeles after his day’s filming of the train climax of this movie to approve the sound dub that Bob Gale had been supervising of Back to the Future Part II (1989). He would then get up at 4:30 a.m. the next day to fly back to the northern California set to continue with his filming for that day.

For Back to the Future Part II (1989) and III, two years were spent building the sets and completing the scripts. They were filmed back-to-back over eleven months, in order to take advantage of Michael J. Fox’s extended break from Family Ties (1982), which was coming to the end of its run. While Part III was being filmed, Part II was being edited.

Bob Gale and Robert Zemeckis figured that for this movie, they had already done all that they could with Marty’s family, so the focus of the film was shifted to Doc Brown.

When Doc and Marty are at the drive-in preparing the DeLorean for the trip to 1885, Marty mentions Clint Eastwood and Doc replies, “Clint who?” In this shot, there is a movie poster on the drive-in’s wall showcasing Revenge of the Creature (1955) and Tarantula (1955), containing some of the first film appearances of a young, then-unknown Eastwood. Marty even looks to and briefly points to the poster as he says to Doc “That’s right, you haven’t heard of him yet.”

Actor and former President Ronald Reagan was originally approached to play the part of Mayor Hubert because of his fondness for the first film in the trilogy. He reluctantly turned down the role, and the part went to Hugh Gillin instead.

According to the book “Billy Gibbons: Rock & Roll Gearhead”, ZZ Top was hanging around the set, and was asked to be the town band. During one take, the camera broke. While waiting for the camera to be repaired, Michael J. Fox asked if they would play “Hey Good Lookin'” which they did. Afterwards, more requests were played. Two hours later, someone inquired if the camera had been repaired. Robert Zemeckis replied that it had been fixed for quite a while, he just didn’t want to stop the party that had evolved.

When Buford “Mad Dog” Tannen tried to lynch Marty, Michael J. Fox was accidentally hanged, rendering him unconscious for a short time. He records this in his autobiography “Lucky Man” (2002).

Marty uses a “Frisbie’s” pie plate to knock a gun out of Mad Dog’s hand. In 1871, the Frisbie Pie Company started in Connecticut. Their pie pans were thrown on the campus of Yale, and this eventually lead to the invention of Frisbees.

Michael Winslow (“Jones” of Police Academy fame) performed the sound effects of Michael J. Fox’s feet during the break dancing sequence.

What’s Up Next?:

Cory and Nathan will be back for this years Christmas Rewatch of “Mixed Nuts”. We hope you’ll join us then!

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