We are so excited that we had the chance to talk to Finola Jones herself, Ms. Riann Steele! Riann enthusiastically chatted with us about her emotional attachment to Finola and how much she relates to her, and she describes Finola’s journey and character development over the course of the first season of Debris. She also, without spoiling anything, tells us a little bit about what we can expect from the season finale, and let’s just say that we are even more excited now than we were, and we were already really excited to say the least! Although we sadly did not have time for all of them, we were also able to fit in several questions submitted by Nachos and cannot thank you enough for your participation! All of your questions were fantastic, and we hope that we will get the chance to ask the ones that we didn’t get to in the future if and when we get to talk to her again. Thanks again, Nachos, and thank you so very much to Riann for joining us on the podcast!

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