Two new episodes this week, and two deaths.

In “Sotto Voce”, a villain from season 3 returns, and fakes out Team Machine. When even Elias is concerned for your safety, it’s really time to be careful, and beware in whom you trust. And finally, Fusco gets the answers he’s been asking for (and, frankly, deserving for quite some time).

In “The Day The World Went Away”, POI’s 100th episode, Finch finds that he is the “Number of the Week”. But after being captured by Greer, and given a “Get Out Of Jail Free” card courtesy of a Root-voiced Machine, is he about to boil over? The deaths of 2 of of the people who have been working with you can do that to someone, even the (formerly) mild-mannered Harold Finch.

Surveillance in the News from Barb Rankin: New Ways To Spy From Space

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