Welcome back to Maid of Steel – post Supergirl!!  We’re talking about The Flash!!  No, we haven’t jumped shows or heroes, we’re back to discuss the first five episodes of The Flash Season 8 – “Armageddon.”  Why, you ask?  So glad you did!  Armageddon involves a kind of crossover event within the Arrowverse that includes many of our favorite heroes and villains.  Among those is our very own Alex Danvers / The Sentinel!  So, let’s run down the plot summaries of the five episodes and summarize the Alex aspect of things, shall we?  Yes, we shall!  Plus we bring in our resident “Flashes from the Underground” reporter, Force 11!!

Part 1: When a powerful alien threat arrives on Earth under mysterious circumstances, Barry, Iris and the rest of the team are pushed to their limits in a desperate battle to save the world.

Part 2: Despero warns The Flash that great tragedies will lead to Armageddon; Barry doubles down on proving his innocence, but a devastating revelation pushes him to seek counsel from Black Lightning.

Part 3: Barry meets Black Lightning at the Hall of Justice after things take a dire turn with Despero; Iris suspects something is off with Despero’s vision of the future so she seeks help from a powerful ally.

Part 4: Barry is shocked when Eobard Thawne returns in the most unexpected way, and with a tie to a loved one. Damien Darhk offers advice to Barry but there is a catch. An epic battle begins with The Reverse-Flash against The Flash and Team Flash.

Part 5: Barry must decide whether to let his greatest enemy die, or save his life.

As for Alex and The Sentinel, she is consulted when Team Flash interacts with Despero to find out anything the DEO knows about Despero’s species, which is not much.  We then catch up with Alex at the celebration event on the impending nuptials of Eobard Thawne and Iris West.  When Barry Allen shows up on the scene (as Reverse Flash) everyone goes into battle mode, including the Sentinel.  Alex stays to hang with Team Flash to understand why Barry is here and what kind of trouble he might be trying to cause and takes it upon herself to try to navigate the potential relationship between two members of Team Flash, Allegra and Chester.  She is successful in bringing the two together with the help of the Paragon of Humanity – Ryan Choi.  And, that’s about it.  When Eobard is discovered to have created a Reverse Flashpoint most of everything in Parts 2-4 of this event are…negated.  Gotta love the time shenanigans on The Flash!!

Summary:  This Armageddon event was highly advertised with amazing visuals and the potential for some very cool crossovers but ultimately was uneven in its story telling and the heightened expectations fell short.  As we mention in the podcast, this is sooooooooooooooo much better than what The Flash Season 7 delivered so we’ll see what the rest of the Season delivers beginning in March of 2022!

Was Armageddon understandable and enjoyable to fans not currently watching the Flash?

  • Yes (67%, 2 Votes)
  • No (33%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 3

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Cougar’s Comic Corner

Supergirl (1996-2003) #17

Written by Peter David, released November 19, 1997.  Despero wrests control over his body from L-Ron; Supergirl undergoes another change. $1.99 on Comixology!

Next Time On Maid of Steel!

The Legacy of Supergirl 2014 – 2021  Join The Green Butterfly and The Silver Vox as they discuss the best, worst, and even ugly of the Supergirl television journey as aired on CBS and the CW!  We’ll give you all a date soon and also be on the lookout for a Supergirl podcasters’ roundtable coming in late January!!



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