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The truth is when a fifth dimensional imp has her sights set on your home there will be consequences. In the race to beat Nyxly to seven magical totems there is not much time to relax and unwind. Lena encouraged the group to celebrate Alex and Kelly’s engagement with a bachelorette party. The ramifications of the heroes taking the night off turns out to be devastating!
Nyxly and Lex find and take control of the Truth totem. It has taken the form of a camera because a picture cannot lie. In the gauntlet to control this magical item Nyxly must become very vulnerable and tell the truth.
Esme had an incident at school when another student made fun of her dessert in a baking competition. She still doesn’t have complete control of her powers, but this is understandable for a young alien like herself. Alex takes her to the tower to run tests to hopefully understand how to help her daughter. When Kara suggests something to help control her powers, like the glasses Jeremiah gave her as a child, the sisters have an argument. Alex does not want Esme to have to suppress any parts of herself. She wants her to live happily and true to all aspects of herself. Kelly and Alex are both relieved when the symptoms their daughter has, including a mysterious rose tattoo, can be explained by Esme mimicking the powers of a new student in her class. The Superfriends head to the party. William and Esme head to the tower kitchen to bake something delicious.
When a monitor alerts William that the Tower security has been breached, he tells Esme to hide. Lena should have checked the Tower’s defenses before leaving for the night. She should have been able to anticipate her brother’s next move. She talked about Lex. I know it crossed her mind, but the Arrowverse has a long history with problematic security setups. This break-in at the tower has catastrophic results.
Back at the party Brainy is struggling with news he received from the Legion earlier in the day. Apparently if Querl Dox does not return to the 31st century to merge with the Big Brain the Coluan race will die. This is devastating news for our favorite 12th level intellect. He has had the opportunity in this time to be free of his emotion inhibitors. He has been able to develop his own sense of self. This is very different from the communal society he was born into. He has a family here that is connected not by blood but by love. Brainy is in love with Nia and can’t imagine life without her. Another brainiac reminds him that the timeline will be irrevocably changed if he does not return to his own time. However, couldn’t the same also be said for how much the timeline has been altered due to his presence in this century thus far? Timeline hypotheticals make Green Butterfly’s head hurt.
Meanwhile, back at the tower, Lex Luthor has William at gunpoint. Lex is angry with William for publicizing his journals. Something he didn’t even do. Andrea stole the private documents and published them under William’s name. His blood will be on her hands now because Lex shot and killed William for this crime. In another room Nyxly lures Esme out of hiding with promises of cookies. The imp only wants the love totem. What will she do to the little girl whose body now contains it? Join us next week as our super series reaches an epic conclusion!
How are you feeling heading into the supergirl series finale?
- Angry (67%, 4 Votes)
- Sad (17%, 1 Votes)
- Numb (17%, 1 Votes)
- Happy (0%, 0 Votes)
- Excited (0%, 0 Votes)
- Hopeful (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 6

Cougar’s Comic Corner
DC One Million #3 (of 4)
Written by Grant Morrison released September 23, 1998 Solaris’ master plan reaches its masterstroke as the Justice Legion A realize that the only way to save our world is to give Solaris, the Tyrant Sun, exactly what it wants! With time running out for the human race, the heroes of the future risk all in a desperate gamble! $1.99 on Comixology!
Haven’s Secret (The Powers Book 1)
Written by Melissa & Jessica Benoist and Mariko Tamaki, released October 26, 2021
Ellie McFadden has intuitive gifts. She can sense what other living things are feeling. She can even talk to animals! Too bad she can’t connect with her twin sister, Parker. Parker McFadden has kinetic gifts. She can cause shocks to the earth and produce heat energy that explodes from her body like fire, especially when she is angry. The sisters aren’t aware of the legacy they inherited from their mother until, on their thirteenth birthday, two mysterious relatives on the Power side whisk them off to an isolated sanctuary called Haven. Ellie immediately adapts to their new routine, but Parker has one impulse: to get back to her normal life of friends and sports, fast.
$15.99 on Amazon (9.99 on Kindle)
Next Time On Maid of Steel!
Supergirl Season 6 – Episode 19, “The Last Gauntlet” THE PENULTIMATE EPISODE KICKS OFF THE TWO-HOUR FINALE FOR “SUPERGIRL” – In the penultimate buildup to the season finale, Supergirl and the super friends take drastic action after a loved one is kidnapped by Nyxly and Lex. An unlikely ally steps in to help the team. The episode was directed by Glen Winter with story by J. Holtham and teleplay by Derek Simon & Jay Faerber (#619). Original airdate 11/09/2021 at 8:00E/7:00C on the CW.
Supergirl Season 6 – Episode 20, “Kara” THE EPIC SERIES FINALE BRINGS BACK FAMILIAR FACES AND FEATURES A BEAUTIFUL WEDDING – In the epic series finale, Supergirl is joined by familiar faces from the past to help her stop Lex and Nyxly for good. Meanwhile, Alex and Kelly prepare to walk down the aisle. Mehcad Brooks, Jeremy Jordan and Chris Wood return for the series finale. The episode was directed by Jesse Warn with story by Robert Rovner & Jessica Queller and teleplay by Rob Wright & Derek Simon (#620). Original airdate 11/09/2021 at 9:00E/8:00C on the CW.
We want you to be part of the podcast! After a new episode airs, head over to our feedback site and drop us a quick line, or record a short voicemail, reacting to the events of the episode. What was interesting to you? What stood out? What did the episode do well or, perhaps, what did it not do well? We rely on your input to help round out our conversation and anticipate the opportunity to include your thoughts and theories!
Some blog post comments…
“The ramifications of the heroes taking the night off turns out to be devastating!” – did it though? Okay Esme got kidnapped but this is just her first kidnapping as a Danvers kid – she has to get use to it as a lot of people hate her mom (Alex).
“Join us next week as our super series reaches an epic conclusion!” – do you mean epic failure because yes that’s going to be accurate.
“How are you feeling heading into the supergirl series finale?” – why if it’s check boxes this time can I only pick one option? I’ll go with “angry” as it covers most things. I would have also added if I could “sad” and “numb” because those are also feelings going into the end. ?
“An unlikely ally steps in to help the team.” – is it Cat Grant because that would be unlikely at this point! If it’s Mon and James like the promo showed – pass; both of them have either ruined or been ruined by the show in part and I have no desire to see them back…well not trash Guardian James for sure, regular newsman James could come back though.
The series final is going to suck I can just see it now.
On to the podcast…
What’s the plans post series for you two?
Green Butterfly choking on my negative feedback…sorry to you GB but never sorry for the harsh words to the writers!
YOU CHEATED ON K-Vox? How dare you! ? You apologize right now with many hot dogs to her! I’m sorry you live with a super villain Georgia. You can come live with me, I won’t treat you dirty like he does. ❤️
A cat which acts like a dog ? I feel like this is a set up by the cats and I don’t trust it because cats are shifty. They want you to think you can pet them but you should not for they will rip your skin off! I need more proof Justina; show me Nightwatch fetching something.
Lena would totally be Alex’s maid of honor if not Kara…why because what other friends does Alex have currently? It can’t be Nia as someone has to be on Kelly’s side and she’s spent more time arguably with her than Alex. Eliza could walk Alex down the aisle if she was ever allowed to show up!
Oh Leslie they haven’t done Kara Danvers justice since season three for sure and you could argue since season one. They’ll write their Clark Danvers in their best order though. Also again “Supergirl” hasn’t been “Supergirl” since season one and certainly since season three’s end so I hold out no hope for it to end well for that series; again they’ll end their Superman testing plots show fine but “Supergirl” never.
Holy crap…you’re telling me they’re actually, finally going to acknowledge “Supergirl” on Superman’s show? I am shocked! Will it actually be our Lucy though or some post Crisis version played by Jenna so it’s not really Lucy but they get points in their mind because it’s played by the same person? I don’t trust Superman’s series. We created him but they have a hard time admitting it. I might have to watch clips of that series now which feature Jenna! Still not watching the series itself until one of the twins is a girl.
John whispering “that part is true” was hilarious! ?
COVID can’t stop Skype so Eliza could be there if they really wanted her too; we get she can’t physically be there but she can on a screen and should for her kid’s wedding!
Brainy’s already messed up Midvale with all his clubs he joined in the Crisis episode so yeah he’s already effected stuff…I would say maybe him having to merge with the big brain is an effect of this but that would be giving the writers too much credit – they don’t think that deep anymore.
Brainy was always literally out of his time so him going back isn’t surprising to me, the why is a bit more surprising than the fact he has to go back because that feels random.
Mitch – Nxy can trust Mitch!
I’m not surprised Lex shot William; I am surprised he didn’t take the phone because he had to know he’d try calling someone.
“Where are we going?” – no place good.
“We never liked him anyways” – facts Dreamweaver!
Maid Of Steel is the only good part beyond Nia each week for the series.
I actually liked Kara saying mom and dad for Eliza and Jeremiah in that one scene Leslie; the problem is this is the first real time it’s happened for Jeremiah that we’ve seen. Speaking of- Jeremiah, another thing we’ll never get resolution on!
Shooting someone on “Supergirl” is not too far – we did it before in season two when Lillian killed the DEO mole in front of Alex, well behind her to be exact ha. Alex also murdered Astra in front of J’onn. It’s part of what made our series not like the other shows – villains were bad and those who dealt with them could get dark so we’ve killed on the series before. Again the unrealistic part was Lex not taking the phone in my opinion.
*whispers* It won’t be good Leslie.
Not Staple guy John! 🙂
Some videos from the cast on the legacy of the series for them…
David – https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nIJSVg8l3vk
Melissa – https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ha35lsQtxs ; I LOVE how she stresses Kara is not Clark and the stories are different even though they have the same origin. If the writers remembered that we might still have a show!
helen slater will be there. there’s a set photo of eliza at the wedding.
I felt bad about William’s death in that I didn’t like the character since his introduction as another potential love interest for Kara after Mon-El finally stopped hitting on her, well, always finding time to be alone with her years after he broke up with her and got married in the future and returned back in time to mere weeks after the breakup from Kara’s view and knowing how painful it was for her–and kept doing it again–before he finally left for the future with his wife. Worse, like Mon-El, William was also a jerk to Kara, but later revealed he was undercover at CatCo or some such.
Now, his death makes me feel bad about not liking the character.
And yet …
… I have to wonder, as an ethical reporter, why didn’t he demand a retraction or a correction from Andrea about the story? Why didn’t he tell the truth? Why didn’t he tell Lex the truth? Okay, sure, that could endanger others, but William could have played the moment a different way. Imagine if …
“You seem … upset … Lex. Are you … ashamed … of your love for Nyxly? Or embarrassed?”
“What? No, of course not. I want to shout across a thousand rooftops.”
“Okay, then why do you have a gun pointed at me for spreading the word of your great love? After all, let’s face, most people only know and fear your cold, ruthless side but never consider you’re human too, with a beating heart. What was so special about Nyxly?”
“I don’t have the time for-”
“Well, you’re the one holding the gun. You have the power. Speaking of power, who doesn’t love a good power couple? Barack and Michelle, Bonnie and Clyde, Marc Antony and Cleopatra. Why not tell your story your way?”
“Well, wait, I see what you’re doing. You’re trying to stall until your STUPID friends arrive. You tried to play to vanity, to try to outsmart me by getting me talk and talk. Fine, I’ve got the bullet points for your story.”
CUT TO: Kara and the Superfriends arriving at the Tower, seeing the security has been breached but Kara breathes a sigh of relief seeing William sitting at the monitor–only he slumps to the floor when she taps his shoulder, revealing two bullet wounds to his upper left chest.
A playback of internal cameras shows Lex casually shooting William twice before disappearing in a portal after Nyxly left with Esme. Everyone is horrified and shaken. Meanwhile Andrea has a video message waiting for her.
Sure, William’s still dead but this has him dying as he lived, as a reporter, interviewing a major newsmaker and reporting on the biggest news story of the day, vs merely taunting an archvillain, pert near begging to be shot.
That’s a very fair question about why didn’t he demand a retraction; I can see Lex not believing him so he’d still shoot him but he could have added to Andrea’s guilt on it.
I have to think the only reason they pushed William so hard this season is because he’s the only legit reporter who’s consistently working on the show; Nia is busy half the time with the Superfriends and Kara is always a joke as a reporter so if you want to push journalistic commentary then he’s the mouth piece for it.
Much like with a lot of plots this year especially they pushed William too hard this year and last year for me to really like him; it’s sad he died for someone else’s actions but I can’t say his death effected me as much as the actors had to act like the characters were effected. William was just there and maybe they should have used his time to build up reporter Kara so her end placement as editor and chief felt more earned! Also I have to admit now I’m kind of ticked thinking about how they kept William a season too long but we couldn’t keep Sam longer…she was the way better choice to stay in my opinion because she would be Kara’s first actual trainee, you could debate power usage with them and ask just because you have powers do you have to use them, what does Kara do with free time if Sam is patrolling the streets, and what does being a hero really mean you could ask because while not a shining purity example Alex is still a hero for stopping people who do bad things to others so how would Kara and Sam handle a debate over what to do with a villain when one wants to take them alive and the other (Sam) says it’s better things end there?
Again, spoilers for my final review, this series legacy is not that of hope to me but of missed opportuinities; I guess you can say it’s hope adjacent as in I hope there’s a lot of fix-it fics coming our way because it wasn’t a great series end in my opinion.
Agreed, the deal with William is odd. His storyline this season was to set up Lex killing him, yet Lex killed one of the Supermen in CRISIS. Did Supergirl and her Superfriends really need more motivation that Lex is evil?
And you’re right. Time spent of William could have been spent on Kara Danvers, reporter. She’s the friend of Supergirl. Why didn’t Andrea task her to get the inside scoop on the Superfriends?
Two other things:
First, John, like many viewers was baffled, stunned, horrified that after months of separation the Danvers sisters finally have a heart-to-heart chat that many consider the heart of the show and it devolves into a fight?!! Also, why is Alex blowing up on Kara’s suggestion?
For the drama? Of course, but I also think the writing was going for something a bit more layered, more nuanced. Rewatch the argument, John. I think Alex’s reaction, while on the surface, it’s fury over Kara’s parental suggestion, but deeper, I think Alex is reacting to it as a personal attack. Alex seems to be reacting as if Kara is saying Alex should have hidden her orientation to spare other kids and other people. That’s what Alex means when she says she knew what it meant to grow up feeling “other”.
Don’t feel bad for not seizing on the intensity of feeling. Kara didn’t even notice and kept pouring fuel on the fire by continuing to suggest Esme suppress her powers which Alex was reading as young Alex should have repressed her orientation, until she blew up at Kara.
Second, Justina, sorry you aren’t feeling well. As much as you have been a shining star of optimism and hope on the podcast, if you aren’t feeling up to an episode, I think the listeners would understand if sat one or more out while recovering. Your health is more important than a podcst. Like Karen’s health when she had to bow out of episodes and even had to step down from the podcast. While we all miss her, we value her health even moreso.
Speaking of value, I think all of the GSM podcasts you’ve hosted or commented on have valued not just your optimism but well-reasoned hope being both the deets and receipts as to why you were hopeful. Yet that’s not your only value as podcaster (or person) so I wanted to stress I didn’t want you to feel like you HAVE to always be upbeat. If an episode has got you down then that’s okay too. I didn’t want you to feel like if we in the audience didn’t end an episode of a podcast feeling optimistic that it was … “all my fault”. It’s okay if an episode or two or more have gotten you down. We’d understand. That’s part of why we’re here to celebrate the good moments of the show and to commiserate and support each other during the the less so good moments.