Wild Blue Yonder here we come! This week the second Doctor Who 60th anniversary special titled “Wild Blue Yonder” aired. Keeping the momentum going, RTD and crew send us on a wonderfully horrifying trip to the end of the Universe. David Tennant as the 14th Doctor and Catherine Tate as Donna Noble return for a corridor laden romp through a spaceship that is occupied by one very slow robot and two “no things”.

After inadvertently confusing Isaac Newton into dreaming of mavity instead of gravity, our heroes find themselves on a huge and empty spaceship at the edge of creation. With the TARDIS mysteriously taking off for repairs, the Doctor and Donna set off to explore.
Upon further investigation they discover that they are not alone. One robot and two aliens seem to be the only other life aboard. What follows next is exactly why so many love Doctor Who. A mystery wrapped in a tale of corridors and self reflection, this episode is peak Tennant Tate and RTD. It serves to remind us why more than just a few consider Tennant and Tate an iconic duo. Boasting gorgeous sets and stunning effects this is another solid entry into what will hopefully become the new Whoniverse.

As usual, we review what was liked and not so liked about the episode, discuss listener feedback and go over unanswered questions and share fan theories. Remember, don’t blink, don’t even blink.
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