
Attack On Central City

CCU 83

The Flash, Season 3, Episode 14: Attack on Central City

Putting the “Great” in “Great Ape”

Sometimes you go to Planet of the Apes. Sometimes Planet of the Apes comes to you.

I imagine it’ll come as no surprise when I say how much I dug this episode. Of Grodd, Barry said “He’s evolving.” Dang right he is. More than any episode to date, we’re finally seeing Grodd go from being a sympathetic, tortured beast to a ruthless conqueror. Conqueror Grodd is my favorite Grodd, the Grodd of the comics, who looks down on humans as moronic neanderthals in no way equal to his mighty Apeness.
What we think will be all out gorilla warfare (heh) turns out to be a multi-layered plot. Why put his own people at risk when he can nuke Central City from a safe distance? Only when the Flash thwarts him again does he decide to bring in the troops. We see him thinking steps ahead, plotting and planning. We see him using Gypsy against the team. And speaking of Gypsy…So I noticed many of you going “Earth-19 speedster!!” when a certain hyper-fast fellow was seen meeting w/ Gypsy. Would you believe that masked man actually already exists in the comics?! In fact, he does! Ladies and gentlemen, we just encountered…Accelerated Man! Yes, that’s his name. Go ahead and chuckle. He made his first appearance in 2015, in The Multiversity Guidebook. His appearances in the DCU at this point have been minimal in the extreme, and basically nothing is known about him at this point. But perhaps this isn’t the last we’ll see of this scarf-wearing speedster!

Feedback deadline will be Wednesday night at Midnight, EST, March 8th.  Share your thoughts with the CCU!

See you next week!
