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[sc:astop]Cammien Ray and Martin the Flash recap the years of Arrow and read your final thoughts on the show ending. Grab wine, grab a tissue, and join us for a trip down memory lane. <3
This season Arrow will be airing on Tuesdays at 8pm ET. Our podcast episodes will be posted the following Friday, so we can accept email/voice feedback through Thursday afternoon – and maybe an early Thursday evening submission might make it in if you’re quick. 🙂
You can leave feedback here.
I thought y’all were covering the spin off when it happens; is that still in play? Will it be on GSM or somewhere else?
If I had to name my favorite elements from over the years I would start by naming Felicity because without her standing up to Oliver in the Legends pilot special during season four I wouldn’t be watching “Arrow”! For me she felt like the realism in an episode of chaos; I tuned in to see Hawkgirl done right so I was expecting powers, but just on a character to character level Felicity blew me away when she stood up to Oliver and refused to let him treat her like she didn’t know what she knew in regards to the William situation. It was sadly refreshing to as love interest until that point had a tendency to be kind of ditzy when the lead especially tried to fool them or asked them to stop looking but Felicity kept her course and it made me continue this series for her performance alone. I also loved her handicap plot while it lasted because that was so well done and such a new concept for hero shows; I wish they would have done more with it and reminded fans more often she’s paralyzed without the chip because newbies may forget but that story plot as small as it is is another reason I like her because without her we don’t get it and it’s a big deal! I know the show is called “Arrow” but Felicity is the one who hooked me on seeing this so I have to say she’s my favorite element. 🙂
I love that someone FINALLY did a live action Huntress; their Helena isn’t perfect but she’s pretty good.
Nyssa Al Ghul, her character is probably made so well because of the actress portraying her also as how can you not love Katrina Law if you ever meet her and even if you don’t Nyssa is such a force when she’s own screen it was just a joy to see each time. The action with her was good, her calling out Oliver and spreading wisdom to others while still being able to evolve to take some herself later in the series was just a joy to watch and I hope we see her guesting in the spin off some also!
As Cammie has said before Prometheus because he was arguably the best villain on the series! This is not a hard list to top on because “Arrow” did have the least memorable villains but even compared to the DCTV he was good so I have to give him points.
The crossovers are another thing to appreciate with this series because before Marvel even really got their MCU going “Arrow” had spun off “Flash” and set up the Legends show so they did it first debatably and have done it the best. Are all the crossovers great? No, but neither are the Marvel films.
Finally because she’s the newest addition, I’d favorite Dinah Drake because she is in my opinion the first real version of Black Canary we’ve had on the series. Caity is great but Sara was always her own person, she just copied the suit, and Laurel…while Katie did good out of the suit they never seemed to know how to handle Laurel for more than a few episodes; even now they’re still struggling due to a redemption plot that doesn’t really fit but Dinah – Dinah has been arguably perfect. Did they screw with her character in season 7 yes, but on the whole she has stayed consistent and Juliann has done a great job playing her. Dinah Drake will always be the Black Canary for me with this series!
What are your pros and cons to Sara’s death Cammie?
Laurel’s 1.0 death SUCKED! I would argue beyond Oliver’s death in S3 where realistically he should have died falling off that cliff, this is what lets magic in during season four so it only has itself to blame for that lackluster season, it is the worst thing to ever happen on the show! There was no reason for it to be her and debatably it was never meant to be here because for all the talk behind the scenes what was set up on screen screamed either Quentin’s death or Momma Smoak’s; you add her random place in the grave to the fact she just literally stands there and dies and it’s just a horrific time all around. Again arguably the worst part of the series ever!
Ugh the music in this Olicity goodbye clip from the “series final” is just SO good; as Cammie says it perfectly fits!
I know I write a lot Martin, it’s cool. 🙂 I definitely hope we can all keep in touch moving forward! Hopefully a lot of fans will follow into the spinoff so we can keep the conversation going on that also. 🙂
Ha, it funny to hear messages like Jess’s say “…Batwoman is coming” because it feels so dated but also current because you can tell how each fan feels emotionally so it’s classic too. 🙂
Nice one Dad El!
“Do we need to talk about Renee?” lol.
Felicity is my favorite main character too Kate. 🙂
A very well said part on Stephen’s impact Carey!
It’s definitely fitting that Kevin is the last fan message of this special!
Martin you talking about how you progressed through everything really got to me I have to say because it reminds me a lot of my journey to GSM and fan podcasts as well. 🙂
I’m really glad you both kept in the sniffle moments because it made this episode feel more personal which the whole thing was about. 🙂
A great send off selection!