We look up to our Superheroes. We expect them to always be there. We expect them to always make the right decision. They may be very fast or super strong but at the end of the day they are still human. Barry Allen was consumed by grief in the season finale. These emotions affected his judgment. He used his power recklessly. When Barry chose to save his Mother from the Reverse Flash a time paradox was created. Everything is different now.
Well the first question on your mind might be is life better or worse in this new reality? The answer is a matter of perspective. Nora and Henry Allen are blissfully happy and Barry is happy with them. There is another Flash in town, so Barry is free of the pressures of being a Superhero. It appears though that someone has to pay for all this joy. Joe is a drunk in this new timeline and his relationship with Iris is strained. Barry’s close knit team and friends at Star Labs are all separated. It was fun to watch Carlos Valdes play a wealthy businessman version of Cisco but I really missed the original. When Barry goes to visit Reverse Flash whom he is holding captive Reverse Flash taunts him for his decision to save his Mother and alter the timeline. He says Barry has ruined people’s lives. He asked Barry “Who is the villain now?”
Wally, the Flash in this new timeline, is seriously injured while fighting the Rival. As Barry spends more time in this new timeline his memories and powers begin to fade so he is unable to help Wally. In the end Barry decides to free Reverse Flash and allow him to murder his Mother. Barry believes that this will correct the timeline and set all things right. However when Barry returns home he realizes that it is not that simple. All is not back to normal in Central City.
Meanwhile in Star City Oliver is also suffering with grief. His team has all separated. He holds himself personally responsible for Laurel’s death. He believes that if he would have killed Damien Darhk earlier, than Laurel would still be alive. Once again grief is driving this Superhero’s actions. The season premiere showed a lot of character growth in the original team. Felicity took a leadership role by finding new candidates to help the Green Arrow. Thea stood up to Oliver and said she couldn’t be part of the team on the street because it wasn’t healthy for her. She does however play a vital role in the Mayoral side of Oliver’s life. Oliver also showed growth by admitting that if he is to be successful as Mayor and save the City he must accept help. He must build a new team. He must keep swimming because “the shark that does not swim drowns”. I can’t wait to see what these new characters bring to the show. With all these villains on the streets and a corrupt Police Force Oliver, Felicity and Curtis will have to act fast to assemble the new team. I am glad Quentin Lance will be part of that team as well. The only disappointment I had was with the time paradox in Central City. I was expecting a ripple effect in Star City. I saw nothing different in Arrow’s timeline. Will the consequences become apparent in an upcoming episode?
In a few days we will be treated to the full CW Superhero lineup. Monday is the premiere of Supergirl. Will what happened in Central City effect Kara in National City? She is on a different Earth so maybe not. Why is Superman in town? Will Barry’s life ever be the same? Find out with another fast paced episode on Tuesday. Will the evil archer be unmasked next week? Tune in to Arrow on Wednesday to find out. Can the Legends step in and fix the timeline? On Thursday the premiere of Legends of Tomorrow may hold some answers. Join our awesome hosts and share your thoughts. Maid of Steel wants your opinion on Supergirl. Central City Underground needs your theories on Barry Allen in a flash. Share your thoughts about Oliver and the new team with Arrow Squad. Tune in to the CW four nights in a row at 8/7c for lots of Super fun!
Will Barry Be Able to fix the Timeline?
- He Will Need Help (63%, 10 Votes)
- No (31%, 5 Votes)
- Yes (6%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 16