For episode 3 of We Have To Go Back, we’re taking a look at the fifth and sixth episodes of Lost season 1, “White Rabbit” and “House of the Rising Sun.” In these episodes we get our first pre-flight look at Jack and his relationship with his father, the circumstances which brought Jack to Australia, and the turning point which allows him to embrace the leadership role among the Oceanic 815 crash survivors. We also get our first look back at how Jin and Sun’s relationship blossomed, and we get a glimpse into how things began to unravel for them before they boarded Oceanic 815.

We share our thoughts on these developments, talk about our favorite moments from the episodes, tell some stories about the Lost message boards, and discuss the Jack and Locke relationship dynamic.

Here’s the link to the Lost Diary we discuss in this episode:

In our Lost in Literature segment Emilee draws on the parallels between Lewis Carroll’s, Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland, with the Lost episode, “White Rabbit.”

Here’s the link to Emilee’s Goodread’s group:

Send in your favorite Lost moments, theories you had for each episode, or fun Lost memories by calling 304-837-2278.

Here’s the Jo Garfein interview with Javier Grillo-Marxuach.
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