Welcome to Stuff I Learned Yesterday. My name is Darrell Darnell, one week from today I’ll be in Atlanta for Dragon Con, and I believe that if you aren’t learning, you aren’t living. In today’s episode of Stuff I Learned Yesterday I’m pleased to bring you another installment of the Friday Forum.

Today’s fun fact: On August 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous “I Have a Dream Speech” from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial as part of the March on Washington. Here are 3 things you may not know about that speech.

  • While Dr. King started by reading from a prepared speech he had typed out, he eventually put it aside and delivered much of it off the cuff. From the point he begins talking about having a dream through the end of the speech is all straight from his heart.
  • As he walked away from the podium he handed the typed out speech to a basketball player from Villanova named George Raveling. Raveling still has the speech today and has no plans on selling it, but rather handing it down to his children.
  • Because the speech is copyrighted by the King family, it is illegal to post the speech in any form without proper permission. The speech will become part of the public domain 70 years after Dr. King’s death which will be in the year 2038.

Friday Forum
Today is the Friday Forum!! I’m Darrell Darnell, and in today’s episode of Stuff I Learned Yesterday I share a Friday Forum contribution from Bonita. You can participate in the Friday Forum by visiting our Feedback Page or calling our voice feedback line at 304-837-2278.

Join our SILY Facebook group and let’s get to know one-another!

I’m Darrell Darnell and this has been stuff I learned yesterday.

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