Thank you for joining me in this rapid reactions segment for Arrow Squad! I am The Shadow and I’m here in the immediate aftermath of Arrow season 3 episode 2, entitled “Sara”, to lay down a couple highlights and pose 2 questions to YOU, Arrow Squad. Read more…

1) The Death of Sara… LOTS of emotions and struggles to work through.
2) Oliver doubting himself… struggling with his mortality.
3) Felicity.  She’s really having a change of heart here and has decided to leave Team Arrow to work for Ray Palmer.


“So if LaCroix didn’t kill Sara… and the League doesn’t target their own… then who did it?” If you say Merlyn – back it up!
“What do you think about Felicity’s decision to leave Team Arrow to work for Ray Palmer?”

This week, Podcast Overlord and I are recording our full episode discussion on Thursday evening, so please send us in your thoughts, theories and reactions to the second episode of season 3 by 6pm Eastern on Thursday! Go to our Feedback page (goldenspiralmedia.com/feedback) and there are 3 ways you can get in touch with us: EMAIL, VOICEMAIL, and AUDIO. What’s the difference between the last two? You can either call our voice feedback line OR you can use the SpeakPipe widget… OR! you can upload an audio file with our handy-dandy submission form!

Our regularly scheduled podcast will be released on SUPERHERO FRIDAY morning! Be sure you’re subscribed in iTunes or Stitcher because there will be plenty to discuss each week and we don’t want you missing out!
