We want your answer to the profiling question of the week: Does Red ultimately plan to kill Lizzie? Visit our feedback page to leave a response or call (304) 837-2278.

Dr. James Covington used to be a respected surgeon. Then a matter of circumstance cost him his license and any respectable future, forcing him to go underground. Now Dr. Covington offers his services as an organ transplant surgeon…for hire. There is a lot more to Dr. Covington, as this week’s episode of The Blacklist showed us before the end credits.

Also this week: Agents Keen and Ressler are running down leads both figuratively and literally, all while Red continues his personal mission to find Berlin. We also are treated to several surprises this episode, both in casting AND characters, giving Troy and Aaron a LOT to pontificate over.

What was that dream about? Does Red ultimately want to kill or save Lizzy? Why can’t Mr. Vargas buy a turtleneck that fits?! This is one episode of The Blacklist Exposed no one should miss!

Also don’t forget to vote for the best line from Red’s Rhetoric: Vote #redpill if you like “blue pills used as poison”, or vote #redloyalty if you like the line “loyalty above all else”. Send us a tweet with your vote @TheBlacklistGSM.

Each week of The Blacklist Exposed will take a deep look at both the minor and major plotlines to this fantastic series. Be sure to subscribe and review us in iTunes, Stitcher, or through whichever podcast app you prefer. Also check out our other Golden Spiral Media Podcasts.

A special thanks to Veruca Crews for creating our podcast cover art. If you love it, be sure to check out the rest of her Blacklist and other artwork on her tumblr page.

Thanks for listening! We’ll talk to you soon. In the meantime, be sure to keep yourself off…The Blacklist.
