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The Future of Star Wars After The Rise of Skywalker

by Mouse House Weekly | Golden Spiral Media

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the conclusion to the Skywalker Saga, was released in theaters just a couple of months ago. Does this mean Disney is done with Star Wars? You’d probably guess no, and you’d be correct in saying that. But what new Star Wars content do we have to look forward to? Luckily for you, this episode exists to answer that question! In this episode, your hosts Blake & JJ give you what you can expect from Star Wars in the coming years. We discuss any continuation of Star Wars in the Disney parks, the future of the Star Wars comics and books, the exciting potential of the content coming exclusively to Disney+, and speculate the possibilities of future Star Wars movies! If you thought Star Wars was over, expect to be surprised with the incredible amount of content coming to Star Wars fans.