Stuff I Learned Yesterday

Stuff I Learned Yesterday
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About Stuff I Learned Yesterday

Stuff I Learned Yesterday is a podcast that aims to encourage, inspire, challenge, motivate, and improve the lives of those who listen to it. Stuff I Learned Yesterday is released each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Each episode ranges from 5-15 minutes long and contain short stories based on real events and lessons learned by the hosts. Friday episodes are called the Friday Forum and are filled with inspirational and motivational thoughts submitted by Stuff I Learned Yesterday listeners. Submit your story for a Friday Forum episode by calling 304-837-2278, visiting our feedback page, or click on the Send a Voice Message button on the left hand side of this page.

SILY 591- Monday Mailbag

SILY 591- Monday Mailbag

Today is the Monday Mailbag! In today’s episode I share contributions from Geoff, Barb, Colby, Bradley, and Andrew. Did you know that mail delivery has been around since the 1500s? In 1505, Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I established a postal system in the Empire, appointing Franz von Taxis to run it. This system, originally the Kaiserliche Reichspost, is often considered the first modern postal service in the world, which initiated a revolution in communication in Europe.

590- Room to Grow

590- Room to Grow

I love escape rooms. It’s no surprise really. I love all sorts of puzzles. Solving various puzzle-types is one reason I love The Legend of Zelda franchise so much. Once I learned about escape rooms, I had to try one out. To me, they seemed like a real life example of a Zelda dungeon puzzle. I remember asking my family about doing an escape room and it went just about like I expected. My son, who also loves puzzles and Zelda was all about it. He was super excited about the idea. My wife and daughter, on the other hand, were not excited at all.

589- Navigating Peaks and Valleys

589- Navigating Peaks and Valleys

When I left in 2013, I had my next job already lined up. I started my own company specializing in editing and launching podcasts. Over the last decade that company, Pro Podcast Solutions, has helped launch several hundred podcasts and we’ve edited tens of thousands of podcast episodes. When I quit my job I had two clients, and now I serve over 150 clients. The path from two to 150 has not been straight nor easy. 

588- Making Magical Memories

588- Making Magical Memories

As parents, we want to make lasting memories with our kids. We want to have shared experiences that make the bonds between us stronger. We want to give our kids the Disney experience. In preparing to write this episode I messaged my kids separately and asked them to share with me their three favorite memories that involve us as a family. I told them at least one parent had to be involved in the memory. I framed the question this way because Scott was focused on making memories as a family. 

587- My Faith Story

587- My Faith Story

To share one’s faith story, or testimony as you prefer, is to share how you came to faith in Jesus, and share how God has been active in your life. In today’s episode I’ll be sharing my story of coming to faith and some of what I’ve seen God do in my life. You may have noticed that I used two different qualifiers in that last sentence. I’ll only be sharing “some” things with you today because there are more things that will be shared in future episodes, and to say that I’m sharing what I’ve “seen” God do implies that He’s done things in my life that I am unaware of. I’m most certain that is true.

586- Pushing Through the Wall

586- Pushing Through the Wall

Hitting the wall is an expression typically applied to athletes, or more specifically, runners. When a runner “hits the wall,” they experience an intense and abrupt state of exhaustion, where the body essentially runs out of fuel. This typically occurs during long-distance events, like marathons, around the 18 to 20-mile mark. Runners describe it as an almost instantaneous shift from feeling strong and capable to feeling as if they can barely move. 

585- I Have More Stuff to Say

585- I Have More Stuff to Say

When we feel a calling yearning within us, we should listen to what it is saying and ponder how we should respond. In my case, when I listened to the voices of all those around me, those voices all confirmed what my inner voice was telling me to do. We should also take immediate action before that excitement and vigor have a chance to subside. Making goals and setting timelines are great ways to leverage the momentum of an exciting idea.

584- Community Feedback for “The Car” & “Legacy” Preview

584- Community Feedback for “The Car” & “Legacy” Preview

To the best of my knowledge, I won’t be passing from this earth into eternity any time soon, but none of us know when our last breath will come. As motivating as that might be to cause one to contemplate his legacy, it’s a different life event that has caused me to focus on it. That life event involves my kids. That is, last year was my daughter’s senior year of high school, and this year is my son’s senior year. While I think Addi may continue to live with us for another year or even two while she works out her plans, she very much desires to move out when she can and spread her wings. Colby, on the other hand, has already started making plans to move across town to attend the University of Oklahoma next fall. It’s quite possible my nest will be empty in the next 12-18 months, and this fact has had me wondering if I’ve done what’s necessary to help my kids for their next steps. Read More…

583- Driving Success

583- Driving Success

I never get tired of hearing the sound of the MGB GT starting up, and I thought it might be appropriate to record this final episode of the season in the very object that this season has been about. So I hope you don’t mind the sounds of my car. I thought we’d take it for a little drive today. Every time I get in this car, it’s a satisfying and joyful feeling. I can’t help but get a smile on my face. I just love this car. I mean, I love the car, I love the look of the car, and all that stuff. That’s why I got the car. But this car is so much more than that. This car brings satisfaction every time I drive it because of what it represents. It represents a goal achieved, and that’s just incredibly satisfying. When I get in it and I think about what it represents and having set a goal and then achieved that goal, it reminds me that there are more goals out there to achieve. I think, of the struggle that it took to get to this point, it and it invigorates me and inspires me. It gives me excitement and belief that I can face other challenges that come my way. There’s a lot of satisfaction in that, but even if I hadn’t gone through all of the ordeals that I went through to get to this point, even if I hadn’t had to rewire the car, there would still be a tremendous amount of satisfaction with the car simply because of what it represents. And that is, it represents a goal being set and achieved. Read More…

582- Countdown to Ignition

582- Countdown to Ignition

Where does one begin rewiring a car? For me, the answer wasn’t as hard as it may seem. That decision had been made months before. You see, during the research and education phase of this process, I’d done a lot of work to figure out what wiring harness would be the best fit for my car. Because the MGB and MGB GT were made nearly unchanged for almost 20 years, getting parts for them is still quite easy. And believe it or not, that includes getting brand new wiring harnesses. However, my car was not quite a factory spec car. As far as the electrical system was concerned, my car had an aftermarket air conditioner, a high-voltage coil, electric ignition system instead of a traditional distributor, and electronic speedometer instead of the stock system. Although to be honest, at the time I didn’t know about the high-voltage coil and electric ignition system. More on that later. Read More…