September 22, 2014 will be the 10-year anniversary of the Lost pilot!  We’ll be releasing one podcast per week leading up to the anniversary, with our final episode releasing one day before the 10-year anniversary on September 21, 2014.

WHTGB 42-Cabin Fever

WHTGB 42-Cabin Fever

In episode 42 of We Have To Go Back Podcast we take a look back at lost season 4 episode 11, “Cabin Fever.”

We take a look back at the flashbacks of Locke’s birth, childhood visit from Richard Alpert, his teen years, and the visit of Matthew Abaddon that sent him on the road to taking a walkabout. We also talk about the Locke’s visit to the cabin and his visit with Christian Shepard, Keamey’s initiation of the secondary protocol, and remembering some of the details of season 4 that will make an appearance in next week’s episode.

Next up, the season 4 3-part finale: “There’s No Place Like Home.” Read More…

WHTGB 41-The Shape of Things to Come and Something Nice Back Home

WHTGB 41-The Shape of Things to Come and Something Nice Back Home

In episode 41 of We Have To Go Back Podcast we take a look back at lost season 4 episode 9, “The Shape of Things to Come” and episode 10, “Something Nice Back Home.”

In “The Shape of Things to Come” we see a flashforward of Ben Linus off the island in Tunisia, in Iraq helping Sayid take vengeance on the man responsible for Nadia’s death, and then sneaking in to Charles Widmore’s apartment to threaten the life of Penny. On the island, the mercenaries attach the DHARMA cabins where Ben Linus is hiding. When Ben refuses to surrender to them, Alex is killed.

In “Something Nice Back Home” we see a flashforward of Jack and Kate living together and getting engaged. Jack is also told by Hurley that he is not supposed to raise him. On the island, Jack has to undergo emergency surgery to remove is appendix, and Claire mysteriously leaves during the night with her dad. Read More…

WHTGB 40-Ji Yeon and Meet Kevin Johnson

WHTGB 40-Ji Yeon and Meet Kevin Johnson

In episode 40 of We Have To Go Back Podcast we continue season 4 of our LOST rewatch with episode 4×07, “Ji Yeon” and episode 4×08, “Meet Kevin Johnson.”

In “Ji Yeon” we get thrown for a loop as we see a flashforward of the birth of Sun and Jin’s baby, Ji Yeon, and Jin trying to get to the hospital for the birth of a baby…that turns out to be a flashback. In present time, Sayid and Desmond learn from the freighter captain that Charles Widmore owns the freighter and that Widmore staged the found wreckage of Oceanic flight 815.

In “Meet Kevin Johnson” we learn what happened to Michael and Walt after they left the island. Michael tries to kill himself more than once, but Tom shows up and informs him that the island won’t let him die yet. Tom sends Michael on a mission with a chance of redemption as he has the opportunity to board the freighter and prevent the crew on board from killing all the survivors of Oceanic flight 815.

Next up, season 4 episodes 9 and 10: “The Shape of Things to Come” and “Something Nice Back Home.” Read More…

WHTGB 39-The Constant and The Other Woman

WHTGB 39-The Constant and The Other Woman

In episode 39 of We Have To Go Back Podcast we continue season 4 of our LOST rewatch with episode 4×05, “The Constant” and episode 4×06, “The Other Woman.”

In “The Constant” we see Desmond experience side effects of traveling from the island as his consciousness travels back and forth between 2004 and 1996. During the flashes he must try to find something that exists in both places and he tries to communicate with Penny.

In “The Other Woman” we learn more about Juliet’s experience after she arrived on the island. We see a connection between Juliet and Goodwin that we didn’t expect and we learn that Ben has a stronger infatuation on Juliet than we realized. Daniel and Charlotte try to make their way to The Tempest station where deadly gas is stored, and Juliet and Jack try to stop them. Read More…

WHTGB 38-The Economist and Eggtown

WHTGB 38-The Economist and Eggtown

In episode 38 of We Have To Go Back Podcast we continue season 4 of our LOST rewatch with episode 4×03, “The Economist” and episode 4×04, “Eggtown.”

In “The Economist” we learn that Sayid is one of the Oceanic 6 and is working as a hitman. Sayid goes to Germany to find someone on his hit list, and falls in love with a woman who is connected to his target. It is revealed that Sayid is working for Ben. On the island, Sayid works a deal with Locke to trade Miles for Charlotte and then leaves the island with Lapidus, Desmond, and the body of Naomi.

In “Eggtown” we see Kate’s life after she returns as one of the Oceanic 6. We see her face trial for the crimes she committed before the plane crash and her mother reach out to her in an attempt to meet Kate’s child, her grandson. It is also revealed that Kate’s “son” is Aaron. On the island Kate uses Sawyer to gain access to Miles so he will tell her what he knows about her. Lock continues to struggle with his role as a leader. Read More…

WHTGB 37-The Beginning of the End and Confirmed Dead

WHTGB 37-The Beginning of the End and Confirmed Dead

In episode 37 of We Have To Go Back Podcast we are starting season 4 of our LOST rewatch with episode 4×01, “The Beginning of the End” and episode 4×02, “Confirmed Dead.” The season picks up right were season 3 left of as the survivors of Oceanic 815 have made contact with a freighter that is 80 miles off shore of the island and they believe rescue is imminent.

In “The Beginning of the End” part of the survivors side with Locke and believe that the safest place for them to be is at the barracks. Other survivors side with Jack and head to the beach for rescue. In flashforward we see Hurley experience a mental breakdown after he sees Charlie. Charlie appears to Hurley again and tells him that “they” need him.

In “Confirmed Dead” we meet Frank, Miles, Daniel, and Charlotte, and learn a bit about them through a series of flashbacks. On the island, Jack and Kate work with Miles, Daniel, and Frank to arrange transport off the island, while Locke and his group head to the barracks. Locke’s group finds Charlotte, and Ben tries to kill her. Ben knows all about her and her friends because he has a man on their boat. Read More…

WHTGB 36-Through the Looking Glass

WHTGB 36-Through the Looking Glass

In episode 36 of We Have To Go Back Podcast we take a look back at the LOST season 3 finale entitled, “Through the Looking Glass.” “Through the Looking Glass” is considered by many to be the best episode of LOST as it shocked the audience with the twist of the flash forward. On the island we see the heroic death of Charlie, the death of Tom Friendly and several of the Others, and Jack leading the survivors to the radio tower in hope of rescue. Off island we see Jack in a desperate place as he struggles with alcohol and drug use and the death of a mysterious acquaintance. In the final scene of the episode we see Jack and Kate meet near an airport as Jack insists that they have to go back! Read More…

WHTGB 35-Greatest Hits

WHTGB 35-Greatest Hits

In episode 35 of We Have To Go Back Podcast we take a look back at episode 21 of LOST season 3 entitled, “Greatest Hits.” “Greatest Hits” is a Charlie centric episode where he recalls the top 5 moments of his life, his greatest hits. Carl arrives to the beach camp to warn the survivors that the Others are coming sooner than expected so Jack prepares to lead most of them to the radio tower. Sayid, Jin, and Barnard will stay behind and try to blow up the attackers with dynamite, while Charlie and Desmond venture out to the Looking Glass Station to try and turn off the device that is blocking radio signals from leaving the island. Read More…

WHTGB 34-The Brig and The Man Behind the Curtain

WHTGB 34-The Brig and The Man Behind the Curtain

In episode 34 of We Have To Go Back Podcast we take a look back at LOST season 3 episode 19, “The Brig” and season 3 episode 20, “The Man Behind the Curtain.” In the Locke centric “The Brig” we see the events that transpired after Locke left the Dharma barracks with Ben Linus and The Others. When Locke is unable to kill his father, Anthony Cooper, we see Richard Alpert step in and give Locke information that will lead him to seek out the assistance of Sawyer. In a dramatic scene, Sawyer finally comes face to face with the man responsible for the death of his parents.

In “The Man Behind the Curtain” we see Locke return to the camp of The Others with his dead father and demand to be taken to see Jacob. However, when Ben and Locke show up to Jacob’s cabin, only Locke hears a message from Jacob. In flashback we see Ben’s birth and arrival on the island, the verbal and emotional abuse his father subjected him to, and the end of DHARMA on the day of the purge. Read More…

WHTGB 33-Catch-22 and D.O.C.

WHTGB 33-Catch-22 and D.O.C.

In episode 33 of We Have To Go Back Podcast we take a look back at Lost season 3 episode 17, “Catch-22” and episode 18, “D.O.C.” In the Desmond centric episode, “Catch-22” we see Desmond’s short time as a monk and the moment that he met Penny. On the island Desmond sees a flash that he believes shows him that Penny will soon be landing on the island, but he will have to let Charlie die in the process. Charlie, Desmond, Hurley, and Jin find the parachutist in the jungle, but the identity of the parachutist is not what Desmond expected.

In “D.O.C.” we learn more about Jin’s mother and father and the events that caused Sun’s father to take Jin from a floor manager to his personal enforcer. On the island, Sun confronts Juliet to learn what happens to pregnant women on the island. Juliet offers to help Sun find out how long she has been pregnant so that Sun will know if she is in mortal danger and also determine who the father of her baby is. Meanwhile, Desmond, Hurley, Charlie, and Jin find out that Mikhail is still alive and the parachutist reveals that Oceanic 815 had been found and that there were no survivors. Read More…

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