Mysterious Melodies
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Music has the power to enchant, stir emotions, calm the spirit, and heal. This month we take a look at two episodes that use the power of music to explore the impact of music. In season 3, “A Piano in the House” takes a look at the sides of our humanity that we all try to hide, by using music to expose those hidden faces. In season 5, “Come Wander With Me” is a somewhat disjointed story that still leaves us enchanted and mesmerized by Mary Rachel and her melody.

Dimensions in Space
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Alternate dimensions and parallel worlds is not something The Twilight Zone was afraid to explore, and this month we take a look at two excellent examples of this type of storytelling. Season 3 “Little Girl Lost” explores a scenario where a young girl named Tina slips into the fourth dimension via a portal that opens up in her bedroom wall. The following season in “The Parallel” we see astronaut Robert Gaines transported to a parallel earth where he has a slightly different family in a slightly different house and JFK is unknown.

Righteous Reciprocity
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Rod Serling was no stranger to the atrocities of what Hitler’s Nazi party did to Jews during the Holocaust. He fought in WWII, battled anti-semitism in his own home state, and through the power of his pen fought to bring light to this hate in an effort to end racism of every kind. As brilliant as he was, we unfortunately still find racism all around us and Jews are still being attacked more than any other group today. This month we look at two episodes that Rod wrote to shed light on the horrors of the Nazi party, and express his confidence that their ultimate judgement awaited them. These episodes are “Judgement Night” from season 1 and “Death’s Head Revisited” from season 3. These episodes stand as proof that The Twilight Zone is just as relevant today as it was in the 1960’s.

Before They Were Famous Part 4
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Many Hollywood legends spent time in The Twilight Zone, and this month we look at two of the largest legends in Hollywood history with Robert Redford and Dennis Hopper. Redford’s season 3 appearance with Gladys Cooper has him portraying the role of the death angel escorting her character to the afterlife. Meanwhile, Hopper’s season 4 role is one of an angry young man under the influence of Hitler, who is raising up his own all-too-familiar brand of hate. It’s easy to see in these performances what will make these men legendary, and each of these stories gives us a lot of meat to chew on for discussion.

Close Encounters
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The Twilight Zone is no stranger to close encounters between various aliens and humans. Sometimes those encounters are fun or silly, other times they reveal some of the darker realities of our humanity. This month’s episodes fall into that latter category with “People Are Alike All Over” from season 1, and “Stopover in a Quiet Town” from season 5. Of course, the dark side of humanity is not all that is on display, because in a twist only the Twilight Zone can deliver, these aliens have their own dark side as well.

Religious Connections
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Over the course of the 5 season run of The Twilight Zone many episodes touched on religious themes. We’ve already looked at episodes like, “The Hunt,” “The Obsolete Man,” and “The Howling Man,” for example. This month we take a look at two episodes which, for better or for worse, are very on the nose with their religious themes. First up is “The Gift” from season three. Drawing parallels to Jesus and his crucifixion, an alien visits a small Mexican town with a gift that will change the world, but their fear leads them to killing him. Next up is “Probe 7, Over and Out” from season five, which tells its own version of the beginning of Earth, Adam, Eve, and a tree with fruit.

Do You Believe In Magic
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It’s been said that magic is just science that we don’t understand yet. While we’re not sure if that’s a suitable explanation for the kinds of magic on display in this month’s episodes, we certainly had a magical time discussing them. First up is “Dust” from season 2. Written by Rod Serling and directed by Douglas Heyes, it tells the story of a dusty small town on the verge of killing a man who drunkenly killed a young girl. Is it magic dust or something else that brings the town the hope it so desperately needs?

Before They Were Famous Part 3
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Carol Burnett was recently honored on her 90th birthday for her lifetime of work in film and television. Her talent was recognized early in her career, and Rod wrote an episode especially for her with season 3’s comedy, “Cavender is Coming.” Before Martin Landau became famous for his work on Mission Impossible, he starred in two Twilight Zone episodes and we cover season 5’s thriller, “The Jeopardy Room” here.

Toy Story Bracket Battle
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Toy Story 5 is now in production, and that announcement got us thinking…which Toy Story toy is the best? Put differently, if we found ourselves at a garage sale at Andy’s house and all of the Toy Story toys were in a box, which toy would we choose? It is March madness season, so that means we had to settle this question with a bracket! Who will come out victorious? We’re quite certain it’s not who you think! Grab your travel buddy, fill out your own bracket via the link below, and let’s find out which toy reigns supreme! (Is that a Zurg hint???)

Poetic Justice
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Season 5 of The Twilight Zone brought us two episodes handing out poetic justice to the lead characters. In “A Short Drink from a Certain Fountain,” an aging businessman drinks from a fountain of youth in order to satisfy his much younger, demanding wife. His plan backfires, leaving both of them to deal with life-altering consequences. In “Sounds and Silences,” a toy boat manufacturing executive forces everyone in his life to be constantly subjected to loud noises. His life is turned upside down when he develops hypersensitive hearing, and he’s forced to live his life with highly compromised hearing.

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