More ill-fated passengers on a plane? Yes, but this is not the pilot episode, it’s The Transformation. Although there are many parallels and callbacks to it, as well as some shoutouts to another J.J. Abrams staple, Alias. We are here to talk about all of that as well as our memories of this fantastic episode of Fringe which brings so much of the plot of the first season so far to a close. We, as always, talk about our favorite moments from this episode but also discuss why we see it as the turning point of the first season. Several of you also share your thoughts on this episode, including Geoff (xforce11); the Soggy (or Salty?) Nacho, Emily; and Patty from Canadia! If you would like to be a part of the listener feedback section and/or would like to be a co-host with us in the future, please contact us via one of the methods listed below! We would really love to hear from you!

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