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Debris Division Podcast

I Am Icarus Listener Feedback

I Am Icarus Listener Feedback

Our plate of Nachos this week was, as usual, delicious, and it was also very full! Consisting of Nachos like Brian (The Christmas Guy from New Hampsha), Cory, Cheryl B, Jacob (Keto Nacho), Vera, Barb, Barn Owl, Bradley, Robert, Emily (Soggy Nacho), John (TheSilverVox), Brian (Zeppelin Driver), Geoff (xforce11), Kome, Patty from Canadia, as well as many other Nachos via social media like Twitter and Facebook, our listeners discuss whether or not they were satisfied with how this story was resolved (if it indeed was resolved) and whether or not they believe that we are seeing our Finola and Bryan at the end of the episode. Opinions about the ending seem to be varied, and this may in fact be one of the most polarizing episodes of Debris yet! There is, as always, great insight from our listeners all around, and if you would like to be featured in a future listener feedback episode, be sure to reach out to us via one of our various contact methods!  Read More…

I Am Icarus Normal Review and Breakdown

I Am Icarus Normal Review and Breakdown

Although we have slightly differing opinions regarding this episode of Debris, we do both agree that it’s always a blast to talk about this fantastic show! “I Am Icarus” concludes the arc that last week’s episode set into motion, resolving the issue of Bryan being displaced in an alternate reality and repeated reality resets damaging the universe. We meet a new alternate partner named Gibson, this time being Finola’s partner, and we even get to see a very much alive (and apparently not resurrected) George Jones still working at Orbital! All of these different possibilities of how things could have played out are definitely exciting to see and remind us of a certain other sci-fi show that showrunner J.H. Wyman once helmed. We also seem to get confirmation as to how Anson Ash seemed to be hearing the song that Finola was listening to several episodes ago. We hope that you will connect with us and be a part of our feedback episode, so hit us up at any one of our various contact methods!  Read More…

I Am Icarus Alt Review and Breakdown

I Am Icarus Alt Review and Breakdown

Although we have slightly alternative opinions regarding this episode of Debris, in every reality we agree that it’s always a blast to talk about this fantastic show! While inciting a bit of deja vu,“I Am Icarus” completes the arc that last week’s episode set into motion. Mirroring last week’s episode, we meet a new alternate partner named Gibson, this time being Finola’s partner, and we even get to see a very much alive (and apparently not resurrected) George Jones still working at Orbital! There are a whole host of different possibilities of how things could have played out, which are definitely exciting to see and remind us of a certain other sci-fi show that showrunner J.H. Wyman once helmed. We also seem to get confirmation as to how Anson Ash seemed to be hearing the song that Finola was listening to several episodes ago. We hope that you will connect with us and be a part of our feedback episode, so hit us up at any one of our various contact methods! Read More…

Do You Know Icarus Listener Feedback

Do You Know Icarus Listener Feedback

With this being such a phenomenal episode of Debris, it’s absolutely no surprise that we received the most amount of listener feedback this week than we have gotten so far this season! (We thought that our plate of nachos last week was full, but it was even fuller this week!) Our plate this week consisted of Nachos like Jacob, Brian (The Christmas Guy from New Hampsha), Wayne, Geoff (xforce11), John, Kome, Barb, Bradley, Brian (Zeppelin Driver), Emily (Soggy Nacho), and Patty from Canadia, and we also heard from several of you via our social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook! Nachos, as always, bring some fantastic material to the table such as the potential scientific significance of the colors in the episode. Read More…

Do You Know Icarus Review and Breakdown

Do You Know Icarus Review and Breakdown

We have been saying for a while now that, for the most part, Debris just keeps getting better and better every week, and “Do You Know Icarus?” is no exception! What an episode! What an episode! What an episode! (See what we did there?) We get phenomenal performances from so many of our cast members such as Jonathan Tucker, Riann Steele, Norbert Leo Butz, and especially Jennifer Copping (in an absolutely heartbreaking scene), and Joel Wyman delivers on the Fringe references this week, especially in regards to the fan favorite episode “White Tulip”! (This is the second time so far this season that Joel has given us an obvious reference to that episode, so is he just innocently paying homage to a beloved episode, or is there more to it than that?) “Do You Know Icarus?” employs a clever and playful storytelling tactic to flesh out and develop our characters as well as reward fans who have been paying attention to little details, and we can’t wait to see how this arc gets resolved next week. Will Bryan be able to get back home, and if so, will this debris cause any lasting repercussions on reality? We also cannot wait to hear what our Nachos have to say, so be sure to connect with us and leave your feedback about this episode of Debris!  Read More…

Spaceman Listener Feedback

Spaceman Listener Feedback

This was our favorite episode of Debris so far, so we expected excellent feedback from our listeners and were not disappointed! We got a full plate of nachos including Doug, Linda, Patty from Canadia, Julie, Geoff (xforce11), Brian (Zeppelin Driver), Bradley, John, Kome, and Barb, and we also heard from many of you via Twitter and Facebook! Our listeners raise questions such as what some of the characters’ (such as Maddox and Ferris) motivations are, how Finola and Bryan are going to proceed and unite in order to go against the nefarious business that their superiors seem to be up to, and why George Jones covers himself with aluminum foil at the very end of the episode. They also touch upon the emotional confrontation between Finola and her father in the hotel room and the fact that George seems to be anxious and scared by the mention of Garcia’s name. As is always the case every single week, the feedback is so excellent, and we don’t think that you will want to miss it! If you would like to be featured in a future listener feedback episode of the podcast yourself, be sure to hit us up via one of our contact methods! Read More…

Spaceman Review and Breakdown

Spaceman Review and Breakdown

We are both in agreement this week that this is our favorite episode of Debris so far! It offers so much high-octane excitement from start to finish, answering so many questions and also asking some new ones. We finally learn (or do we?) how George Jones is still alive and what Influx wanted with him, but we also now have to wonder what is going on with Brill’s face and why he seems to have a double. Has he been teleporting like Influx has been doing, causing his skin to deteriorate like what we saw happening to Loeb a few episodes ago? How are Finola and Bryan going to proceed now that they are apparently on the run from their superiors? We touch upon these and so many other points this week as we break down and review this phenomenal episode, and we cannot wait to see where the rest of the season is headed after this game-changing episode! Read More…

You Can Call Her Caroline Listener Feedback

You Can Call Her Caroline Listener Feedback

According to Darrell, this is the best listener feedback that we have received yet, but we will let you be the judge of that! Join us as we hear from Geoff, Linda, Kome, Sarge, John (TheSilverVox), Patty from Canadia, Barb, Emily (Soggy Nacho), Brian (Zeppelin Driver), and Bradley as well as several more of you through Twitter and Facebook! Nachos share their thoughts and theories about whether Caroline is controlling the debris or the debris is controlling Caroline, whether or not Caroline’s name has any cultural significance, how Luke is managing to use the debris to control people, how they responded to the graphic scene involving Anson being interrogated, and so much other good stuff! As always, the feedback is so excellent, so you won’t want to miss it, and if you would like to be featured in a future listener feedback episode of the podcast yourself, be sure to hit us up via one of our contact methods! Read More…

You Can Call Her Caroline Review and Breakdown

You Can Call Her Caroline Review and Breakdown

It seems like the question of whether or not we can trust Ferris has finally been answered, and the answer is a resounding no. Why is she manipulating Dee Dee and to what end? What route will Finola take? Will she go home to Dee Dee or will she go find her father? As for the Debris of the Week storyline, we are very intrigued by Caroline and her struggle and find Luke to be a very compelling and even sympathetic antagonist. Debris has been doing such a great job giving us complex and gray characters and plots, and this episode is certainly no exception. We hope that you will join us as we review and break down this episode of Debris, discussing all of these points as well as so many more! Read More…

Supernova Listener Feedback

Supernova Listener Feedback

As is always the case, we received some fantastic listener feedback from our Nachos this week as they joined us in our conversation about this stellar episode of Debris! We received a mixture this week of written and audio feedback from both some of our regular contributors as well as a few new names, including Jack, John (also known as TheSilverVox), Bradley, Emily (also known as Soggy Nacho), Geoff, Patty from Canadia, Kome, and Brian (also known as Brain or Zeppelin Driver). We also received some great thoughts from Nachos via Facebook and Twitter. Great insight such as the potential meaning behind the title of the episode, the fact that Kurt likely had a military background, why Bryan is injecting himself with a mysterious substance, and so much more are all discussed in this listener feedback episode, and you won’t want to miss it! Be sure to connect with us so that you, too, can be featured in a listener feedback episode! Read More…