
The fourth episode of the miniseries delves deeper into the mind of Dana Scully and her feelings about family. Plus it’s the most horrifying show so far! It was was written and directed by executive producer, writer, and director Glen Morgan and aired February 8, 2016 to an audience of 8.3 million viewers.

There is news afoot this week! With the debut this week in the UK, The Guardian reveals that The X-Files gives Channel 5 highest rated US drama launch since 2009! Then we watched in terror this weekend and EW shares that SNL put an X-Files spin on those Super Bowl snack commercials. Finally The X-Files isn’t the only Chris Carter show that people are clamoring for as Blastr tells us that last weekend actor Lance Henriksen wanted you to tweet about Millennium!

Next we dive into the episode and discuss the juxtaposition of the two storylines of the horror of the Trash Man and the terrors that Scully faces. Afterwards we open the Spooky Drawer to look at another instance of the Trash Man, have a Lost flashback via Petula Clark’s song “Downtown”, and learn about punk rocker and guest star Timothy Ross Armstrong. We wind up this week with all of the terrific feedback from everyone!

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