Thanks for joining us in this feedback episode of Maid of Steel! We are so happy to present this collection of listener feedback for your listening pleasure. I asked for 2 new feedbackers, last week, and…geez, I think we got 4 or 5! You guys are absolutely amazing. The feedback for this episode primarily covers the Season 1 Episode 20 “Better Angels” episode of Supergirl.


sg-120-tearing-me-upHands down, the consensus over favorite scene was the one in which J’onn lifts Indigo above his head and tears her apart! It’s for a good reason that it was loved so much, it was a fantastic scene. Indigo’s half-mechanical, half-human cry was chilling. And we were all just waiting for J’onn to whip and nae-nae his martian muscles.

Summer Reading

The comic based on the television series is now available! [[[Adventures of Supergirl]]] is available via Amazon or Comixology and as of this blog post… there are 7 available. Karen and I intend to review the comic at some point during the summer. So read! And stay tuned! And send in feedback about the comic!!


The season may have ended, but we know you’re still thinking about the show! Please continue to send in any thoughts, theories or reactions to the finale, or the season as a whole, and we would love to read or listen to them. Perhaps if we receive enough feedback… we’ll throw in yet another bonus episode!
